Dr. Maria Montessori was one of the first educators who emphasized the importance of early childhood education. The self teaching and correcting materials she created helped children to develop their senses and allow them a multi faceted approach to learning. This kinetic approach allowed children to master skills and concepts in a peaceful and engaging environment. Her scientific observations have been verified by modern research. As the older child gradually moves from the concrete leaning pathways of preschool to the more abstract of the elementary, the Montessori materials meet his developmental needs each step of the way. We, at Oneonta Montessori School, have designed a very successful Preschool, Kindergarten and Elementary program that applies Dr. Montessori’s ideals for learning.
Our aim is to provide quality education to typically developing children from 2 – 12 years of age, within the context of mutual respect and joy. We believe each child is a unique individual and should not be bound within limited academic perimeters, but should also be given creative freedom and direction to develop as happy & self reliant members of society. We believe the emphasis on academic excellence should be brought about by concept learning rather than rote learning. Our hands on approach to education allows for lifelong concrete learning skills by heightening the senses and developing keen observation skills.